For Schools
A school’s primary goal is to facilitate the academic, social, and personal growth of its students. With Peersdom, schools can implement peer learning programs where students can teach and learn from other students. Peer learning is one of the best ways students can learn and grow!
Each school needs to have at least one Peersdom administrator. This can be any adult that works at the school. The school’s Peersdom administrator’s role is to approve learning sessions and student accounts of their school. This is to ensure that all learning sessions are valid and that each student actually attends the school they signed up with. The school’s Peersdom administrator also has access and editing privileges to his or her school’s profile. If the Peersdom administrator leaves their job at the school, they must transfer their duties to another person. Due to this, we strongly advise that each school sets up a new email to be used to sign up for and manage its Peersdom administrator account.
If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us!
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